Inner workings.
Since my last blog i've been adventuring around a lot on my fixie (fixed gear bike) seeing old faces, catching up and pretty much day dreaming.
Instead of just waiting for important projects to shoot and blog it seems I just want to document my average days, not everything is what it may seem to the on looker. I don't spend every waking minute doing rad shit.
On average I carry a camera with me 5 out of 7 days a week. I don't go looking for the perfect shot, as i've said I enjoy expressing how I see the world on a daily basis which to me is pretty weird because of my day dreaming. Somedays all my mind can do is dream of the big city life I wish to live in coming years which then influences me to shoot busy an fast paced shots, other days I feel all purple hazy that leads me to shoot slightly warped images leaving people saying 'whats that shite?'. Well its my emotions, influences and world being projected, if you must know.
I see reality 'REAL' being the main point slowly crumbling away under the pressures of 'The big picture' or the 'Perfect Life' people are fed to believe in, everything we do should be as real and organic as possible. Recently all I am seeing is people regurgitating an repeating, what're you even doing?
Create it make it your own and influence others to do it their way, we do not live in a 1950's America, life isn't a advertisement board.
Life is no joke, surely we can all agree on that?!
Let you do you, you feel like singing? Then start singing.
Need to run? RUN!
Confused on a matter? Educate yourself on said matter.
The only way to live is to let the inner you flow through whatever medium you choose.