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Change is a Com'in.

Street game, I love people.

Took myself on a little adventure yesterday to Louth market, always see louth as this tiny holiday resort not entirely sure why maybe its the architecture or creepy little shops hidden away. Either way I love it.

Lately I've become obsessed with getting as up close and personal with anyone and everyone, its sparks small conversation usually 'what magazine am I going in' or 'excuse me why are you taking my picture'. I can't really put my finger on my reasons for shooting this way yet, few people want to show depth and truth behind small cultures these days it seems everyone only shoots to portray 'a certain lifestyle' rather then delving in and out of everything.

I strive to see inside a person when I photograph them, eyes burning directly into my lens almost questioning me without saying a word.

Shooting through windows is definitely a great way to intrude upon their daily routines in a peaceful unquestionable manor. Fast paced shots leave no room for serious poses or emotions, just the ore of what is happening at that very moment in their lives and who is this man in all black wearing through the window with a camera.

Our worlds are a constant shit storm of change created by action and reaction, personally I would love to see more people understand CHANGE. I understand feeling safe in a little bubble but if we live this way nothing will ever give us the up an go we may need in our lives to become who we are all meant to be.

Looking at the way I see and react with people now is all through MY actions, opening my mind to understanding these changes other people may be going through and how I can learn from them.

Love the world you live in but please, let change in!

Think about action an reaction an where it can take you!

Thanks to Bob Dylan for the inspiration, Change is a Com'in.

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