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Little steps, ease giant leaps.

Rite then, my past and how it has inspired the creative present I live in.

I'd definitely say I'm blessed to have shared a sizeable part of my past with this girl, she's been a best friend a lover and definitely a learning curve.

Growing with someone is the hardest most intense part of my past, I'm sure we can all relate to that?

Pain is often to real when two very different people crash together especially in a world where the perfect match just doesn't exist in my experience. Hey no one is perfect lets bare that in mind too!

Nothing lasts forever, so they say. Over the years, through all the rough and smooth something has always kept us entwined which for the life of me I cannot explain. Obviously love is a factor be it in friendship or relationship we always kept each other striving through whatever came our way, it almost felt as if we where together for a purpose bigger then we could imagine on this earth.

Still with me...?

Here comes the art in the equation.

My relationship with photography is almost a mirror image of my relationships (excuse the pun).

I've been on and off with shooting since the beginning, which again has caused me a lot of personal issues and emotions.

Sadly I've let people down around me, people who may have seen great goals for me in life which I do regret but I believe everything happens for a reason.

Holding my camera facing issues in the street, skate spots or wherever has let me express myself over the last few years, I'd be lying if I said it was just a 'hobby' you know?

Receiving daily messages expressing how I am connecting with other people through my work is so over whelming. Finally I know what it feels like to be satisfied with a dream job.

Now all this said, I know the two sides of my life both pleasure and business have fallen together an created the perfect equation.

I am becoming truly happy within myself understanding my emotional connection between camera and love in life, its easy to grow together but to grow whilst being apart is a true test for anyone.

Every day is a step closer to your goals, my goals and our goals!

Take a step back, don't crush something because it's so close you can't see past it....

While you're here, yes you reading rite now!

I'd like to just thank you for your taking the time to follow my work and story behind it all!


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